Old Picnic Table Bench Haul Away

Old Picnic Table Removal Bench Haul Away Service and cost in las Vegas
Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving

Looking for cheap way to get rid of your old picnic table, bench and over 50 bricks? Call Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving. We offer affordable convenient picnic table bench chair junk furniture patio furniture bed furniture removal and pick up service for commercial and residential customers in Las Vegas NV. Free estimates same day pick up service. Call the best junk removal company in Las Vegas today or schedule a bench picnic table removal right now online! Cost of Old Picnic Table Removal Bench Haul Away? Free estimates! Call today or book online fast!



Picnic Table Removal Las Vegas

Bench Removal Las Vegas

Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving – Picnic Table, Bench and Brick Removal

The Most Beloved Picnic Table, Bench and Brick Removal Furniture Removal Crew
If there is one thing we have all learned in life, it’s that Picnic Table, Bench and Patio furniture goes out of style faster than cloths. Every single time you buy new Picnic Table, Bench and Patio furniture you have to turn around and get rid of it just a few months or a year later. Then you are forced to bring in the new, hipster furniture. This can add serious stress to your life that is not necessary. No one wants to have outdated Picnic Table, Bench and Patio furniture when their friends come over for lunch, brunch or little get together’s. You have to stay cool, have to stay hip, but how? How can you do this without hurting the wallet?

The answer to that question is simple. Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving Junk Removal Crew! Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving are here to help. No, we can’t help your Picnic Table, Bench and Patio furniture stay in style, but we can help you get rid of the old, and bring in the new. This way you can stay hip, and still look uber cool in front of your friends and make your neighbors jealous at the same time.

When you hire Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving to assist you with your Picnic Table, Bench and Patio furniture removal needs, your job is done. You don’t have to worry about carrying, hauling or lugging your Picnic Table, Bench and Patio furniture to the street. Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving will do all that and more for you. We just want our customers to sit back, relax and watch the old junk furniture disappear.

More Furniture Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving Remove:

What’s the cheapest way to get rid of an old picnic table, bench, and over 50 bricks?
Question: I moved into a new home and the backyard is filled with bricks, an old picnic table, and bench. The town said they would take the picnic table and bench, but I would need to break it down and put it out little by little. They also said they would not take the bricks….

Answer from Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving: A Handyman or Trash and Junk hauler could handle the table and bench – either to haul to the dump in one piece or to cut it up so you can trashcan it over a period of time. I would give them the option of how to dispose of it.

The bricks are easy – you could pay a trash hauler to take them away, but easier ways –
1) make a little round patio in the yard with them
2) make a short walk with them
3) make a garden or flowerbed border with them, or a litttle pyramid planter
4) dig them in as a border for your driveway or a walkway
5) make a pedestal for a birdbath or other artsy yard item
6) dig them in as a pad somewhere you stand outside a lot, or to set a rainbarrel or trashcan or hose reel or whatever on
7) dig them in in a U shape to serve as downspout splash blocks to lead water away from house
8) place them as a surfacing under your stairs if you have wooden open-faced stairs
9) Craigslist them (if in intact conditions – stains don’t matter) – someone will be willing to take them for yard purposes – this might work for the table and bench too if in usable or refinishable shape
10) neatly stack by the street at edge of your drive with a FREE sign on them – they might well disappear. Picnic table and bench might go same way, and if not gone in a week or so, THEN you could have them cut up.

On the cutting up of the picnic table and bench – for what you would pay to have someone cut them up (probably about $75-100) you could buy yourself a Sawzall with a pack of 10″ coarse-tooth demolition blades and do it yourself (also some 8″ metal cutting ones if you have to cut up metal tubing legs), and you would end up with a few blades and a sawzall for your investment and maybe have enough money left over to get a pizza.





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