Yard Waste Collection

Best Yard Waste Collection Service and Cost in Las Vegas NV
Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving

Yard Waste Collection Service near Las Vegas NV: Are you looking for the Best Service near Las Vegas NV? Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving, is collected from the curb once a week on your scheduled collection day provided the materials meet preparation requirements. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Yard Waste Collection Service around Las Vegas NV. We serve Las Vegas NV and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!



Yard Waste

Yard Waste Collection Service near Las Vegas NV: Yard waste is collected from the curb once a week on your scheduled collection day provided the materials meet preparation requirements. Yard waste is made into mulch and compost for reuse. Please Note: Yard waste generated from work by a contractor is NOT eligible for curbside collection. Contractors must remove the yard waste from your home after work is completed.

How to Prepare Yard Waste for Collection:

  • Refer to your particular type of yard waste below for proper preparation.
  • Place yard waste at the curb by 6:00 am on your scheduled collection day.
  • Place yard waste within six feet of the curb and at least three feet away from other collection items (including other yard waste) and obstacles such as mailboxes, phone poles and vehicles, etc. Do not block the sidewalk.
  • Please place yard waste at the curb no sooner than the day before collection. A minimum $150 citation may be issued if you place yard waste at the curb sooner than the day before collection.
  • Please do not blow yard waste into the street.

Note: Residents using their personal containers for yard waste collection should use uncovered containers less than 32 gallons. Solid Waste Services recommends the use of paper bags for grass clippings, leaves and weeds for collection preparation. Paper bags can be purchased from some local retailers.

What is Considered Yard Waste?

Yard Waste Collection Service near Las Vegas NV: Waste Management offers simple ways to get rid of yard waste, diverting it from landfills and turning it into compost or mulch. Yard waste includes:

  • Grass clippings
  • Leaves
  • Tree limbs
  • Brush
  • Live holiday trees
  • Pruning from trees and bushes
  • Plants, cut flowers and potting soil

In addition, the below items can be added to your yard waste and disposed of sustainably:

  • Coffee grounds, filters and tea bags
  • Paper products such as napkins and paper towels (only accepted in select areas)


Brush should be no longer than five feet in length and four inches in diameter.

Separate brush into piles that are no longer than five feet long and three feet high. There should be two feet in between each pile.

Grass clippings

  • Grass clippings must be placed in un-tied plastic bags or paper for collection or placed in uncovered containers less than 32 gallons.
  • Containers or plastic/paper bags should not weigh more than 75 pounds each.
  • Grass clippings can be mixed with other yard waste such as leaves and trimmings.


Leaves must be placed in un-tied plastic or paper bags for collection or placed in uncovered trash cans. Do not put any other trash in the same container.


  • Limbs must be no longer than five feet in length and no larger than four inches in diameter.
  • Limbs should be separated in piles that are no longer than five feet long and three feet high. There should be two feet in between each pile.
  • Limbs should not be tied.
  • Limbs may be placed in containers for collection.


  • Logs must be under four inches in diameter
  • Tree stumps will not be collected.

Prefer to Use Grass Clippings for Mulch?

Yard Waste Collection Service near Las Vegas NV: Leaving grass clipping on the lawn after mowing ensures that nutrients will be returned to the soil. Grass clippings are 20-30% protein and usually contain about 4% nitrogen, 2% potassium and 0.5% phosphorus as well as all the necessary trace elements plants need.

When leaving clippings on the lawn, adjust your lawn mower to remove no more than one third of the grass leaf surface at any one mowing. Any mower can be used, but one that mulches as it cuts is best. Use a slow-release fertilizer, water when necessary, and mow the grass at the proper height.

Business Yard Waste Pickup

Yard Waste Collection Service near Las Vegas NV: It’s quite possible a customer’s first impression of your business is informed by the landscaping around your building. We have cost-effective, sustainable and efficient solutions to help you manage the waste generated from keeping that landscaping beautiful.

  • Restaurants
  • Retail
  • Municipalities
  • Manufacturing & Industrial
  • Education
  • Federal
  • Healthcare

How You Can Help

  • Yard waste is bagged leaves, grass clippings, weeds, bulbs, twigs, pine cones and uprooted plants. Bundles of branches and limbs should be tied into four-foot lengths.
  • Once-a-week trash/recycling customers should put bagged and bundled yard waste where your trash is collected at the same time the trash container is placed.
  • Twice-a-week trash/recycling customers should put their yard waste out with the trash on their second collection day.


Yard Waste Removal Costs

Yard Waste Collection Service near Las Vegas NV: Waste removal costs $50 to $500 or more. It takes a little more time and preparation than trash and junk removal because it involves anything from dangerous fluorescent bulbs to old latex paint and other harmful chemicals.

The price of waste removal will vary greatly, depending on which of the following categories it falls into:

  • Electronic: $10-$100. Includes anything electronic from computers to your old TV.
  • Garbage & Solid: $100-$350. Trash, garbage and household clutter generally fall here.
  • Hazardous: $50-$500. The professional removal of old latex paint, mercury or other chemicals will take careful preparation and specialty equipment.
  • Universal: this subset of hazardous waste varies in price but includes common items like batteries and fluorescent light bulbs. Some items vary by state but your landfill attendants or waste removal pros will know what counts.
  • Composting: $70-$125. Anything organic, including yard and food waste.

Electronic Waste

Yard Waste Collection Service near Las Vegas NV: You’ll spend anywhere from $10 to $100 or more for electronic waste. Fees vary pretty steeply depending on both where you live and what you’re tossing out. Many electronic components get recycled while others have materials harmful to the ground.

  • TV: $10-100
  • Computer: $15-$90

The low end of the range represents what it’ll run you to dump it yourself at the local landfill.

Monthly Cost of Trash Pickup & Residential Garbage Collection

Yard Waste Collection Service near Las Vegas NV: You’ll pay $25 to $100 per month for residential trash and garbage collection services. You can get anywhere from a 20-gallon container up to a 96-gallon bin. Usually this fee comes as part of a larger utility bill that also includes water and sewage.

You may also have to pay a onetime setup fee of $30 to $50 when opting for a private company. Usually, making a trip to the dump to get rid of yard waste, appliances and smaller garbage loads is no big deal. But sometimes you need help with the bigger stuff.

Hazardous Waste Removal Cost

Hazardous waste removal runs anywhere from $50 to $500. Most junk removal services don’t take chemicals or hazardous products. You need to call your local garbage or waste collection company to address these.

Refrigerant or Freon removal and disposal: $50-$150. Freon and refrigerants both require special disposal. Some states require licensing to dispose of it properly.

Latex paint: $5-$10 per gallon. Don’t just toss it in the garbage. You can take it to the landfill yourself where they’ll have a special area specifically for chemicals and paints.

Fluorescent light bulbs: $0.10 to $0.50 per foot. They contain mercury, a hazardous waste. If you decide to upgrade your home to CFL and LED lighting, have a professional dispose of the old bulbs. Don’t throw them out with your trash.

Cost to Dump at a Landfill

If you have the time and a way to haul it, you can dump your own trash, furniture and hazardous waste at your local landfill for $20 to $50 per ton. In some locations, your local utility bill includes dumping free of charge.


What is automated garbage and yard waste collection?

Automated collection is a system where garbage and yard trimmings containers are emptied using a mechanical arm on a garbage truck, instead of lifting and emptying containers by hand.

How does it work?

Residents that currently receive curbside collection will be supplied with specially designed wheeled containers, one for garbage and one for yard trimmings. Residents choose the size of container they need for their garbage as well as their yard trimmings. On collection day, residents wheel their containers to their usual collection location in the lane or street. The City then empties the containers using trucks equipped with mechanical arms.

What are the benefits of automated garbage and yard waste collection?

  •  Service Improvement New wheeled containers are very durable and easy to handle. Container weight limits will not be in place. Selection of container sizes can be made based on needs.
  • Cost Efficient Mechanized collection system will reduce workers’ sick or injury time and costs.
  • Environmental benefits Fully enclosed  containers  will  result  in  less  litter  in  streets  and    It will encourage waste reduction and higher waste diversion level.

When should I place my garbage and recycling boxes at the curb for collection?

Place your garbage at the curb after 7 p.m. the night before or prior to 7 a.m. on the day of your regular collection day.

Is there a limit to the amount of garbage I can place at the curb?

Yes, as of April 1, 2019, household garbage will be limited to 6 bags or 3 containers of garbage per residence. This limit applies to all residences with 6 units or less. Therefore if you live in a 6 plex each residence would be permitted to place out 6 bags each for a total of 36 bags.

Multi-Residential Complexes, so those buildings with 7 or more units, are limited to two bags per unit. Therefore a 10 unit apartment would only be permitted to place out 20 bags of garbage to the road in the appropriate containers.

Bags and containers must conform to weight and size limitations,

Can I place home furnishings (like a couch) to the curb on my regular collection day?

 No, as of April 1, 2019, the City no longer provides a large item/bulky waste collection. For more information on large item collection and a list of contractors


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  • Waste Management
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  • Waste Management Yard Waste
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